Holger Schuett is the CEO of akquinet port consulting GmbH (former known as ISL Applications GmbH). He is working in the field of simulation/emulation as well as process optimisation in the branch of ports and container terminals for 30 years. Starting within the IT of HHLA/Hamburg he was responsible for the holistic simulation/emulation-based consultancy of the fully automated Container Terminal Hamburg Altenwerder.
In AKQUINET he is responsible for the product family CHESSCON, which supports the optimisation of terminal processes in all five continents. The flagship of these CHESSCON modules is the so called “Virtual Terminal” software besides the Design-Kit (Capacity and Simulation) and the operational modules “Yard View” and “Shift Preview”.
In 2010 Holger additionally took over a professorship at the University of Applied Science in Bremerhaven for Integrated Safety and Security Management, teaching mathematical methods, maritime logistics and container terminal processes.